January 22, Morning session

Kampung Pudak Outing
Theme: Tba
Venue: Kg Pudak, BSB

February 23, Morning Session

National Day Outing
Theme: Tba
Venue: SOAS, BSB

March - (April 1st) - 3 days 2 Night stay

Temburong Rainforest Outing
Theme: Wildlife, Macro, landscap
Venue: Ulu2 Resort.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Birthday Shout Out

I, on behalf of the committee and other members... would like to say

Happy Birthday to the Boss of BSRC Photography, Husini Bakar @ Kantalensa..

Many happy returns of the day.
Semoga sentiasa sihat waalafiat dan bahagia di samping keluarga.

Don't stress up urself with work... take a day break and enjoy ur birthday

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Salam Lebaran

Photo Taken at Masjid Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Kg. Likas, Sabah

Salam Lebaran buat Seluruh Warga BSRC Photography Section.
Andai ada terkasar bahasa, terlanjur perkataan, terusik hati, Ampun Maaf Di Pinta.
Halal kan yg termakan dan terminum.

Ikhlas Daripada,
Bibi Azlina @Syazlie
BSRC Photography Section Treasurer

Sunday, August 23, 2009


The nominees for August 09. Theme: PEOPLE EXPRESSION

Nominated judges:Your Show. Please click the slideshow for easy viewing. Please let me know the result. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Salam Ramadhan

(Photo was taken by Syazlie)

Firman Allah S.W.T:

“ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semoga kamu menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. “ - (Surah Al-Baqarah: 183)

Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w: Ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w melalui sabdanya yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad, An- Nasa'i dan Al Baihaqi dari Abu Hurairah, yang bermaksud:

" Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan bulan yang penuh berkat. Allah telah fardhukan ke atas kamu berpuasa padanya. Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan itu dibuka segala pintu Syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka serta dibelenggu segala syaitan......."

Salam Ramadhan buat Seluruh Umat Islam
Di Serata Dunia.... Semoga Amal Ibadat Kita akan di berkati Allah.
Beramal lah dengan Ikhlas dan Jujur serta bertaubat lah dengan bersungguh.

Daripada Key Committee of BSRC Photography

Monday, August 17, 2009

.Sea Smell by Meo

From Unnamed Collections

. KB Outing: The CAT .

Dis is a CAT! haha..

Gembo's Brid Ex outing

Gembo went on solo outing on 15 Aug to BridEx. You can view the pics here at facebook.
Shots are taken using the trusty Canon 450D, with kit lens for indoor shots and Kanta's 70-200L f2.8 for outdoor (thanks bro). Thanks to JanShim for the guidance too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

BSRC KB OUTING - 15.08.09

BSRC SHooters ....candid by Meo ..pls click here

Friday, August 7, 2009

Old Brunei Photos

Found this pix from a forwarded email.

Just to share the excitement to see pictures of Brunei zaman dahulu, masa alum ada Yayasan =) Im not sure who owned it, but the watermark marked ' Tony Wilson'.

Enjoy viewing...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

WWPW info

To BSRC photog who have registered the World Wide Photo Walk-kuala Belait, here's an update! =) U guys might have read the emails though =)

Ps. Let me know siapa saja pigi ahh =)

*below grabbed from email*

Dear World Wide Photo Walk-Kuala Belait,
Please spare your time a few minutes to read the following advices,extracted from Scott Kelby's blog website:

Well, it’s almost here, and so far we have well over 27,000 photographers signed-up for local walks around the world this Saturday. We are all just amazed and thrilled at the participation and sense of community this has created, and we’re can’t wait for Saturday to get here.

If you’re a part of the walk, here are seven really important tips to help you make the most of your photo walk:

(1) Drink Plenty of Water: In many places, this walk is taking place in the dead of summer, so make sure you take plenty of water with you, and stay fully hydrated during the entire walk. Two hours is a long time to be out in the hot sun so make sure you drink lots of water before and during the walk. (TIP: Want to be a hero? Bring an extra bottle of water or two to share with other walkers).

(2) Use Sunscreen: If your walk is during daylight hours (and most are), make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen, and don’t forget to wear a hat for protection as well.

(3) Leave a Small Footprint: Make sure that you have as little physical impact on the area you’re walking in as possible. If you’re walk is in nature, make sure the area looks exactly the same when you leave as when you got there. Same thing in a downtown area—-we want store owners and pedestrians to welcome events like this, so be kind to everyone you meet, and create as small a footprint on your walk route as possible. Take only pictures. Leave only footprints.

(4) Make New Friends: This is a social event, and everybody is there to have fun and make new friends, so make sure you talk with other walkers in your group. Ask them ‘what kind of stuff like they to shoot,’ or ‘how they like their camera or a particular accessory,’ or ask ‘if they’ve ever been on this street or area before,’ and you’ll have a conversation up and running in no time.

(5) Let Your Leader Lead: Your walk leader has put a lot of time and effort into planning the walk, organizing and publicizing the walk, and making the whole thing happen (after all; without your local Leader there might not be a walk in your city, right?), so don’t try and hijack the walk; let your Leader do the talking, and the leading, and that way you can just relax and focus on getting some great shots.

(6) Get To Your Walk Early: It happens every year; some people miss the walk altogether because they couldn’t find a parking space, or they missed the train or subway, or they ran into something that delayed them from getting to the start of the walk on time. It’s really heartbreaking to get there and find that the walk is already underway and there’s nobody standing there but you, so make sure you plan extra time to get to your walk’s Starting Location, especially if you’re not familiar with the area. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress (and possible heartbreak) by getting there early.. Plus, if you get there early, there’s extra time to make friends before the walk even starts—maybe you’ll make a “walking buddy” who’ll share the experience with you.

(7) Play it Safe: The single most important thing is your safety during the Photo Walk. Don’t get distracted by what you’re shooting or seeing, and back right into the street, or into another photographer (or just a person walking down the street). Keep your wits about you, and remember than many of you will be shooting in a downtown area, on crowded sidewalks or busy streets, so just stay alert the entire walk, and look out for other walkers as well. Also, don’t wander into any areas or alleys that may look the least bit unsafe—stay with your group—there’s safety in numbers, and of course always keep a close eye on your camera gear and personal items.

Also, make sure you check out the Official World Wide Photo Walk Blog (here’s the link) for more walking tips from Brad Moore, and also visit PhotoWalkPro.comJeff Revell’s invaluable Photo Walk suggestions and insights. (one of our official sponsors) to get


See you at Tugu Cendera Kenangan this Saturday around 6.30 am!


HM Yusof- Walk Leader

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

. Isle Hoop`ink .

Phi Phi

Phuket 2009_0111

Phuket 2009_0110

Phuket 2009_0084

Dirgahayu Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik

Note: Photo was taken during HM Ramah mesra bersama Rakyat Daerah Belait
Sempena Sambutan Hari Keputeraan ke 62.

Sama-Samalah kita Mendoakan Semoga ALLAH Melanjutkan Usia Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan Dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Selamat Menyambut Hari Keputeraan Yg ke 63 Tahun, Kekal Qarar Memerintah Negara.

Daulat Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik.

On Behalf of Chairman, Committee and Members of BSRC Photography